The Picton Mahoney podcast playlist

Podcast recommendations on everything from investing and business to history and technology


At Picton Mahoney, we like to challenge conventional thinking. Our people are always on the hunt for new insights and sources of inspiration, whether through conversation, books or podcasts. So we asked a handful of them to share their podcast recommendations. What we learned is that our people are voracious podcast listeners with an incredible diversity of interests, hobbies and passions.

Our portfolio managers tend to go deep on investing, asset allocation and market-related topics. Three of them recommend Capital Allocators with Ted Seides, and two others like The Memo, by legendary money manager Howard Marks. Others shared a broader array of interests, like the future of finance, the history of humanity, and the tech industry. With this kind of variety, we trust you’ll find something new and enlightening to shake up your podcast listening habits.



Renmac Off Script Podcast

RenMac Off-Script

Jeff deGraff, Neil Dutta, & Stephen Pavlick

“For a quick and digestible take on current economic issues affecting the markets,” Craig recommends RenMac Off-Script from Wall Street research firm Renaissance Macro Research. For in-depth interviews with asset managers, hedge fund managers and pension managers, he likes Capital Allocators with Ted Seides. Craig is also a fan of a couple of Bloomberg’s podcasts: “I like Odd Lots for its interesting guests and quirky finance topics, and I like Masters in Business for more mainstream business guests.”

Recommended By: Craig Chilton, Portfolio Manager, Merger Arbitrage

On Purpose Podcast

On Purpose

Jay Shetty

“I’ve had a lot of “aha” moments while listening to Jay Shetty’s On Purpose,” says Sophia. “It’s a great podcast to listen to when you feel discouraged because you walk away feeling empowered.” There was a point in the host’s life when he couldn’t find his purpose and fell into depression, she explains. Then he became a Hindu monk, and subsequently, a life coach. “I enjoy tuning in to his podcast because he inspires you to be your true self and to approach life unapologetically.”

Recommended By: Sophia Denton, Director, Sales Support & Administration

Unchained Podcast


Laura Shin

“I enjoy the Unchained podcast because Laura Shin is a knowledgeable and curious journalist in the crypto and decentralized finance space,” says Art. She has guests from inside the industry who “help explain the inner workings of this new area of finance to us more traditional finance folks.” Plus, her podcast is an excellent source of information when there are troubles in the industry, like stress in the crypto markets. “Laura’s coverage provides lots of lessons on the importance of thorough due diligence, solid processes and strong risk management.”

Recommended By: Art Galloway, Chief Operating Officer

CBC Ideas Podcast


CBC Radio

“I listen to Ideas because it does deep dives on all manner of themes,” says Mike of the long-running CBC radio series. “It’s thoughtfulness on display.” For history, he recommends Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History, which he describes as “the history of everything.” For geopolitics, he recommends Intelligence Matters because “it’s a great podcast on the intelligence communities grappling with the hardest geopolitical issues we face today,” says Mike. “Most of these podcasts nourish in two ways: they give you deeper perspective, and they introduce you to fresh topics that you might not seek out.”

Recommended By: Michael Lynds, Managing Director, Head of Retail Business

Invisible Podcast

99% Invisible

Roman Mars

99% Invisible is easily my favourite podcast, and it’s narrated by the amazing voice of Roman Mars,” says Sean. “So much thought has gone into the design of the world we enjoy, most of which never gets a spotlight, until now.” In each episode, Roman “dives into objects, architecture and other things that are so common to everyday life they become unnoticed,” yet there’s often a fascinating story behind them. You don’t have to be interested in design to love ‘99pi’ – it’s one of the most popular podcasts on Stitcher, Pandora and iTunes.

Recommended By: Sean Mumm, Art Director

Hardcore History Podcast

Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History

Dan Carlin

“My podcast listening is limited to one-off listens on things I find interesting, as opposed to tuning in to a regular slot – unless it’s related to the Toronto Raptors,” says David, who happens to be a huge Raptors fan. One series he “might tune into more than others” is Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History, which he describes as an entertaining series by a political commentator who brings a decidedly non-academic approach to history.

Recommended By: David Picton, President and CEO

Capital Allocators Podcast

Capital Allocators

Ted Seides

“For the best guests and great investment content, I like Capital Allocators with Ted Seides because it offers an insider’s perspective on the institutional investment industry,” says Dean. “I tune in selectively for specific guests, topics and companies I’m interested in following.” For quick-hit and lighter content focused on urban mysteries, he enjoys Decoder Ring by Slate magazine. Another podcast on Dean’s playlist (and recommended by other staff) is Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History, which he describes as “Learn from History & Enjoy a Long Road Trip.” He particularly recommends the Kings of Kings episodes.

Recommended By: Dean Shepard, Chief Revenue Officer

Lex Fridman Podcast

Lex Fridman Podcast

Lex Fridman

“I like the Lex Fridman Podcast because he approaches topics at deeper philosophical angles, which spurs great conversation with his guests,” says Andrew. Lex Fridman, an AI researcher at MIT, hosts speakers like Elon Musk (Tesla), Vitalik Buterin (Ethereum) and Chamath Palihapitiya (Social Capital). Andrew also likes the a16z podcast – from Silicon Valley venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz – which comes at technology from the perspective of commercialization. “Both of these podcasts help me stay attuned to tech trends and thinking that will impact society, culture and industry at large.”

Recommended By: Andrew Watts, Client Portfolio Manager, Equities

Smartless Podcast



“I’m a fan of Arrested Development, so to have a podcast where Jason Bateman and Will Arnett team up again is a gift from the comedy gods.” That’s how Mike describes SmartLess, a podcast in which one of the three hosts (Sean Hayes is the third) invites a guest without telling the others who it is, forcing them to perform a snap interview. “The questions they ask always prompt hilarity.” A broad range of guests – actors, physicists, musicians, politicians – make for interesting conversations. The best episodes are those when “people known for their brainpower get into the comedy vibe,” says Mike.

Recommended By: Michael White, Portfolio Manager, Multi-Asset Strategies

Financial Advisor Podcast

Financial Advisor Success

Michael Kitces

“Michael Kitces is a true maven when it comes to the financial planning and advice industry,” says Robert. “I like his Financial Advisor Success podcast because it’s full of tried and tested ideas on how to improve financial planning and investment workflows, scale an advisory practice, and deliver more value to clients.” Every episode features an advisor sharing an approach they’ve used to “delight clients” and differentiate their practice. Robert also enjoys Capital Allocators with Ted Seides because it’s a “tremendous resource for anyone interested in how institutional investors construct portfolios.”

Recommended By: Robert Wilson, Senior Vice President, Head of Portfolio Construction Consultation Service

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Le présent document a été publié par Gestion d’actifs Picton Mahoney (« GAPM ») le January 3, 2024

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Il n’y a aucune garantie qu’une stratégie de couverture sera efficace ou produira l’effet attendu. Le recours aux instruments dérivés et aux ventes à découvert comporte plusieurs risques qui sont susceptibles d’empêcher une stratégie de réaliser des gains ou de limiter ses pertes ou de l’amener à subir des pertes ou d’amplifier ces dernières. Le recours aux instruments dérivés et aux ventes à découvert dans le cadre d’une stratégie de couverture peut donner lieu à des coûts et à des frais additionnels.

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